Aquaculture Facilities and Equipment
The great thing about the UHI Aquaculture Hub is that we have lots of facilities that you can make use of.
For instance, in Shetland we have a Marine Hatchery and in Oban a Research Aquarium. We have genetics labs in Inverness, and various research vessels and instrumentation.
- You may have a particular interest in specific instrumentation, laboratories or vessels.
- We have an in-house technical support team to help you from design actually running tests.
If you would like a tour, or for us to talk you through what we have, and how it could help you. Why not Contact Us and have a tour and discuss your specific requirements.

Aquaculture Research Farms
- The Marine Hatchery
- The Alan Ansell Research Aquarium
- Research Marine Farm Sites
- Seaweed Nursery
Survey Equipment
- Hydrographic, biological, chemical, sonar (multibeam, sidescan, etc.), ADCPs, AWACs, wave buoys, met stations, CTDs, video, etc.
Sampling Equipment
- Seabed, oceanographic, plankton, water quality, fisheries, etc.
Marine Robotics
- Flying and diving, with qualified pilots and specialist services
- Scottish Marine Robotics Facility
Modelling Services
- Ocean and atmosphere
- Cell culture laboratory
- Biochemistry and functional assay laboratory
- Chemistry
- HPLC, SEM, ICP-OES, GC, etc.
- Microbiology
- Molecular biology and genetics laboratory
- High throughput DNA sequencing capacity and dedicated environmental DNA laboratory
- Mass spectrometry suite
- Bioinformatics and data mining tools
For more detailed information on particular facilities, equipment, vessels and contact details please visit our research equipment database.
How can we help?
Contact Us
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- X - @UHIAquaculture
- LinkedIn - UHI-Aquaculture-Hub
More Aquaculture Contacts - Education, Research and Local Contacts

Contact Us
Connect with us today
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- X - @UHIAquaculture
- LinkedIn - UHI-Aquaculture-Hub
More Aquaculture Contacts - Education, Research and Local Contacts >